Monday, November 2, 2009

Stand By Me - Analysis (Part 2)

Here is a continuation of the post below :)

Melodic Analysis

After a brief introductory phrase at the start, the song begins with a catchy tune. The distinguishing factor between the first and second verse is the melodic contour that follows after both instances of "Stand by me". The melodic contour of the music in bar 4 after the first instance of "Stand by me" in the bar before, is a scalic movement upwards. Compare this with the octave leap in bar 8 that follows after the second instance of "Stand by me" in the bar before that. The octave leap in the second instance provides dramatic contrast and is musically satisfying as a melody.

Rhythmic Analysis

This song is not easy to sing or play because of the frequent feature of metrical displacement. The metrical displacement in this piece occurs in various different forms. One is the way in which notes across the bar-lines are tied or held. This can be seen in bars 1-2, 5-6, 13-14, and 15-16. Another way in which metrical displacement occurs is how the notes are tied or held across the second and third beats in a bar. This is evident in bars 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. As we can see, metrical displacement is quite prevalent in just the first page of the score, and this is something that can throw the pianist off-guard.

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